Turning Point Entrepreneur Stories
"Turning Point," hosted by Blaine Bertsch, the CEO of Dryrun, dives into the captivating journeys of entrepreneurs. Each episode features seasoned business owners sharing their challenges, pivotal moments, and triumphs. With open and honest interviews, you'll hear stories of resilience and victory that define the entrepreneurial spirit.
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Turning Point Entrepreneur Stories
Shaheel Hooda from Sprout Fund
The spark for serial entrepreneur, Shaheel Hooda, started young in the family business, leading him into businesses of his own, a Harvard MBA, driving two tech companies to success and finally, a role as a venture capitalist. Hear about his successes, failures and learnings along the way.
Shaheel Hooda was responsible for the books for four of his father’s companies at the ripe old age of nine. The early life experiences led him to a lifetime of entrepreneurial pursuits, often in completely different sectors where drawing on his experience tied with a drive to learn and take on new challenges led to numerous wins and a few defeats. As experiences compiled, Shaheel turned to advising entrepreneurs and taking a role as a managing partner for an early stage venture fund.
Don't miss an episode! Subscribe, follow, and like "Turning Point" for actionable insights and lessons from those who have successfully navigated the complexities of building a business.
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